
创建时间:  2016-03-07  王杰    浏览次数:

一、 主办单位:246二四六香港资料大全教务处、共青团246二四六香港资料大全委员会
二、 承办单位:246二四六香港资料大全
半决赛时间: 2016325(周五)
决赛时间:   2016327日(周日)
        2. 口语流利、善于思辨,对英语学习兴趣浓厚。
2.请关注SED上大英辩社微信公众号:shusedcommon。以小组为单位,将两位参赛选手的个人信息,包括:姓名、学号、学院/大类、联系方式、电子邮箱等发送至公众号后台,或者直接发送至社团公邮[email protected],即可完成报名。
2.       辩论队:2人一队,辩手可自行组队,或由组委会随机配对;
3.       所有参赛队伍均要求参加赛前培训,具体时间参见相关通知;
4.       对阵、辩题和赛场提前一小时公布,请各队派代表到指定地点抽取辩题;
5.       若迟到10分钟未提前通知组织方,影响辩论赛的顺利进行,则视为自动弃权;不得进行下一轮比赛。
1. 辩论赛冠军奖(1队);
2.       辩论赛亚军奖(1队);
3.       辩论赛季军奖(2队);
4.       一等奖(1队):半决赛中,团体得分排名第五;
5.       二等奖(1队):半决赛中,团体得分排名第六;
6.       三等奖(2队):半决赛中,团体得分排名第七、八。
1. 将根据报名情况确定是否安排赛前筛选,详情另行通知;
2. 选手若迟到10分钟未提前通知组织方或无故缺席比赛,影响比赛正常进行,则视为自动弃权;不得进行下一轮比赛;
3. 组织方保留比赛解释权。

比赛规则 (The Debate Format)
(一)  单循环赛晋级规则:
ROUND 1:   Top 32 out of 64 teams
Group A (4 rounds, Top 1 and Top 2 in each round, totally 8 teams)
Group B (4 rounds, Top 1 and Top 2 in each round, totally 8 teams)
Group C (4 rounds, Top 1 and Top 2 in each round, totally 8 teams) 
Group D (4 rounds, Top 1 and Top 2 in each round, totally 8 teams)
ROUND 2:   Top 16 out of 32 teams
Group A (2 rounds, Top 1 and Top 2 in each round, totally 4 teams)
Group B (2 rounds, Top 1 and Top 2 in each round, totally 4 teams)
Group C (2 rounds, Top 1 and Top 2 in each round, totally 4 teams) 
Group D (2 rounds, Top 1 and Top 2 in each round, totally 4 teams)
ROUND 3:   Top 8 out of 16 teams
Group A (1 round, Top 1 and Top 2, totally 2 teams)
Group B (1 round, Top 1 and Top 2, totally 2 teams)
Group C (1 round, Top 1 and Top 2, totally 2 teams)
Group D (1 round, Top 1 and Top 2, totally 2 teams)
NOTE: In the above eliminating round, the team winning the first place in each round falls into the same group and debate with one another while the runner-ups debate with their runner-up counterparts.
Semi-Final: Top 4 out of 8 teams
ROUND 1: Top 1 and Top 2, totally 2 teams
Round 2: Top 1 and Top 2, totally 2 teams
Final: Championship between Top 1 and Top 2 in each round in the Semi-Final, totally 4 teams
(二) 辩题:循环赛赛前1小时由各参赛队代表抽取;半决赛、决赛辩题在前一轮比赛全部结束当晚由各队抽取。
(三) 比赛规则为英国议会制(British Parliamentary Style),循环赛和半决赛及决赛的规则略有不同,并根据实际参赛人数进行相应调整,具体如下:
1.       循环赛
(1)    采取4队制英国议会制辩论形式,即正反方各两队。
Each speaker will present a speech not to exceed 3 minutes in the order prescribed below.
(2)    Parliamentary Points of Information 提问
Debaters may request a point of information (either verbally or by rising) at any time after the forty-five seconds, and before the last forty-five seconds, of any speech.
The debater holding the floor may accept or refuse points of information. If accepted, the debater making the request has fifteen seconds to make a statement or ask a question. During the point of information, the speaking time of the floor debater continues.
No other parliamentary points such as points of order or points of personal privilege are allowed.
(3)    Speaker Roles and Speech Specific Purposes 辩手角色及责任
Each speaker has a role and each speech has a specific purpose. The descriptions of speaker roles and speech purposes listed below are suggestive and are not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive. For reasons that vary from debate to debate, speakers may sometimes need to fulfill roles not mentioned here and speeches may be constructed to serve other purposes as long as proposition speakers affirm the proposition and opposition speakers oppose it.
All speakers, except the final speakers for the proposition and opposition (government and opposition whips), should introduce new material. All debaters should make rebuttal, except the opening speaker (prime minister).
Summary of Debate Format
Common Titles for Speaker
Opening Proposition, 1st speaker
"Prime Minister" or "First Government Member"
3 minutes
Opening Opposition, 1st speaker
"Leader of the Opposition" or "First Opposition member"
3 minutes
Opening Proposition, 2nd speaker
"Deputy Prime Minister" or "Second Government member"
3 minutes
Opening Opposition, 2nd speaker
"Deputy Leader of the Opposition" or "Second Opposition member"
3 minutes
Closing Proposition, 1st speaker
"Member for the Government" or "Third Government member"
3 minutes
Closing Opposition, 1st speaker
"Member for the Opposition" or "Third Opposition member"
3 minutes
Closing Proposition, 2nd speaker
"Government Whip" or "Fourth proposition member"
3 minutes
Closing Opposition, 2nd speaker
"Opposition Whip" or "Fourth Opposition member"
3 minutes
Summary of Speaker Roles and Responsibilities
Role and Responsibility
"Prime Minister" or "First Government Member"
The first speaker's responsibility is to offer a reasonable interpretation of the motion and present a case supporting the interpretation. The primary role of first proposition team, initiated in this speech, is to establish the foundation for meaningful debate on the motion.
Leader of the Opposition" or "First Opposition member"
The first opposition's primary team role is to undermine the first government team's case. This speaker introduces direct and/or indirect refutation to the government's case. The opposition speaker may also challenge the interpretation of the government's case if it is unreasonable, that is, completely inhibits meaningful debate or completely misinterprets the motion the motion.
"Deputy Prime Minister" or "Second Government member"
This speaker should rebut the first opposition team's speech, and further develop the proposition team's case.
"Deputy Leader of the Opposition" or "Second Opposition member"
This speaker supports his or her teammate, answering objections from the other side and introducing positive matter.
"Member for the Government" or "Third Government member"
This speaker should support the case developed by the first proposition team and must also introduce a case extension, a further development of the themes or issues initially established by the first government team. The primary team role is development of extension and government summary, which should be compatible with, but not identical, to that of the first proposition team.
"Member for the Opposition" or "Third Opposition member"
This speaker introduces direct and/or indirect refutation to the second government's case and selectively argues related issues of the first government team. The primary team roles are to answer the second proposition team's extension and effectively summarize the opposition.
"Government Whip" or "Fourth Government member"
This speaker summarizes the extension and makes a reply to each team's position in the debate. The speaker should not introduce positive (new) matter.
"Opposition Whip" or "Fourth Opposition member"
This speaker summarizes opposition to the extension and makes reply to each team's position in the debate. This speaker should not introduce positive (new) matter.
(1)    辩论队与辩题(The Teams and Motions)
The top 8 teams in the first round go naturally to the second round, competing for the first place.
 The team supporting the motion in Four-Team Parliamentary Debate is referred to as the "proposition." The team arguing against the motion is known as the "opposition" team.
Ordinarily motions are announced shortly before each debate begins. A different motion will be used for each debate, and will be presented to the debaters at a specified time, usually 25 to 30 minutes prior to the round.
The motion will be announced to all debaters simultaneously. Preparation time will be fifteen to thirty minutes. During this time the debaters may consult any written materials. The only materials allowed for use by the debaters during the actual debate are those notes the debaters themselves have written during the preparation time.
(2)    辩论形式(The Debate Format)
     Each debater will present a speech not to exceed 7 minutes in the order prescribed below.
Summary of Debate Format
Common Titles for Speaker
Opening Proposition, 1st speaker
"Prime Minister" or "First Government Member"
7 minutes
Opening Opposition, 1st speaker
"Leader of the Opposition" or "First Opposition member"
7 minutes
Opening Proposition, 2nd speaker
"Deputy Prime Minister" or "Second Government member"
7 minutes
Opening Opposition, 2nd speaker
"Deputy Leader of the Opposition" or "Second Opposition member"
7 minutes
Closing Proposition, 1st speaker
"Member for the Government" or "Third Government member"
7 minutes
Closing Opposition, 1st speaker
"Member for the Opposition" or "Third Opposition member"
7 minutes
Closing Proposition, 2nd speaker
"Government Whip" or "Fourth proposition member"
7 minutes
Closing Opposition, 2nd speaker
"Opposition Whip" or "Fourth Opposition member"
7 minutes
(3)    提问(Point of Information, abbreviated to POI)
Debaters may request a point of information (either verbally or by rising) at any time after the first minute, and before the last minute, of any speech.
The debater holding the floor may accept or refuse points of information. If accepted, the debater making the request has fifteen seconds to make a statement or ask a question. During the point of information, the speaking time of the floor debater continues. The debater should take at least one point of information.
No other parliamentary points such as points of order or points of personal privilege are allowed.
(4)    辩手角色与责任(Speaker Roles and Speech Specific Purposes)(the same as the eliminating round)

评委及评分细则(Judges and Rules
Judges must agree to follow these rules and are not allowed to impose any other rules.
Following the debate, the judges confer with one another and come to an agreement on how the teams should be ranked and scored. The teams will be ranked based on the manner and matter of presentations in the debate, including team and speaker role, argumentation, and persuasion.
Verbal adjudication ordinarily is made for each debate by the judge designated as "chair" or by a judge appointed by the chair. Verbal adjudication should explain the winner of the debate and provide any additional advice for teams. Then adjudication should not last more than 5 minutes.
Judges should assign speaker points for each speaker based on the manner and matter presented during the speech on a 50-point scale and both speakers' scores add up to the team's final score. The details go as follows:
A.     Matter (25 points) 素材
[1] Matter relates to the issues in debate, the case being presented and the material used to substantiate argumentation and the material used to substantiate argumentation. (5 points)
[2] The issues under debate should be correctly prioritized (by teams) and ordered (by individuals), dealing with the most important/pertinent first.素材应该按照由主到次的顺序提出,将最切题、最重要的素材放在前面。(5 points)
[3] Matter should be logical and well reasoned. 素材要符合逻辑而且合理。(5 points)
[4] Matter should be relevant, both to the issue in contention and the cases being advanced. 素材要与辩题密切相关。(5 points)
[5] Matter should be persuasive. 素材要有说服力。(5 points)
B.      Manner (10 points) 辩论风格 
[1] Manner refers to the presentation and delivery style of a speaker. Manner 指辩手陈述己方观点的风格。
[2] The following list represents some of the elements which are, or may be, subsumed under Manner. The list is intended as a guide, rather than as a number of marking categories. It is the combination of these elements (rather than the accomplishment of each), in various proportions that contributes to an individual speaker's style. The major influence on an adjudicator must be:
'Is the speaker's Manner EFFECTIVE in advancing the case?'
a) Vocal Style: Volume, clarity, pronunciation, pace, intonation, fluency, confidence, and authority. 说话方式:音量,清晰度,发音,节奏,语调,流利程度,自信心以及说服力
b) Language: Conversational. 语言:口语化表达
c) Use of notes: Should not distract, should not be read. 提示条的使用:不能照本宣科
d) Eye Contact: With audience. 目光交流
e) Gesture: Natural, appropriate. 手势:自然、恰当
f) Sincerity: Believability. 真诚:要有可信度
g) Personal Attacks: (derogatory comments are not to be tolerated). 不得使用贬低性的言语进行个人攻击。
h) Humor: Effectiveness, appropriateness.幽默感:要有效、适度
C.     Method (15 points) 辩论方法
[1] Method refers to the strategy and tactics employed by debaters and the teams they represent辩论方法指的是辩手及其辩论队所采取的策略和方式。
[2] The following list represents some of the elements which are, or may be, subsumed under Method. The list is intended as a guide, rather than as a number of marking categories. It is the combination of these elements (rather than the accomplishment of each), in various proportions that contributes to an individual speaker's or team's strategy. The major influence on an adjudicator must be: 'Is the speaker's and team's Method EFFECTIVE in advancing the case?'
a) Organization: The structuring of individual arguments and ordering of collective arguments in
the speeches. 论据组织
b) Issue Selection: The identification of relevant points of clash in the round. 论点选择
c) Perspective: The ability to explain the relevance of individual arguments to the motion being argued. 视角
d) Refutation: The willingness and ability to engage and critique the points offered by the opposing team. 驳斥对方观点
e) Teamwork: The degree to which the members of a team work together to collectively advance a strategy. 团队合作

