<10月10日>“语言文化与世界文明”系列(四十二)Plant Studies and Caribbean Literature: the Case Study of the Mangrove

创建时间:  2019-10-08  朱一佳    浏览次数:

主讲人:Maxime Philippe(中山大学副教授)



Bio(个人简介):Maxime Philippe is an associate researcher in the French Department at Sun Yat-sen University. He has written about Antonin Artaud’s re-appropriation of art-therapy in his artistic performances in L’Esprit Créateur and in Contemporary French and Francophone Studies. He also wrote on Derrida’s readings of Artaud in Word and Text and about Georges Poulet’s, Paul De Man’s and Eve Segwick’s readings of Proust in French Forum. His new research project “Foucault along the Silk Road” tries to rethink a New Order of Things in a Chinese contemporary context.

Abstract(讲座摘要):This presentation will introduce one of the most recent turn in humanities, plant studies, and will contemplate its application to the field of Caribbean literature. After situating plant studies in recent literary theory, I will show how it dialogues with the study of world-literature and more particularly with the Martinican poet Édouard Glissant’s version of world-literature, littérature-monde. I will then focus on an emblematic ecosystem for both the Caribbean islands and Glissant’s writings: the mangrove. I will start by showing the conceptual significance of the mangrove in the Caribbean space and culture. I will then show how the figure of the mangrove enables to connect different areas, cultures and languages of the world. Finally, I will analyze the role of the mangrove in Caribbean literature by reading novels by Maryse Condé and Glissant.

上一条:<10月10日>结构分明,好文章的坚实基础(Outline, Solid Foundation of a Good Exposition)

下一条:<9月26日>好文章的方圆规矩(Rubric, specific criteria of a good academic writing)