
创建时间:  2013-06-14  刘佳    浏览次数:

Ingemar Ottosson(Lund University, Sweden)
1Europe and China in the 18th century
In the 18th century China was deeply admired in Europe. How did this "Chinese vogue" manifest itself, what were the reasons behind it and why did it finally come to an end? Is there a possibility that Europeans again will get obsessed with China in the same way as then?
Time: 18:3020:30 June 17
Place: A 602
2History on Stage: The view of history in 19th-century Grand Opera
Among Westerners the opera was enormously popular performing art in the era before the motion pictures and Hollywood. The so-called "Grand Operas" chose historical narratives for their bestselling plots. This lecture wants to demonstrate how these influential operas mirror typical European 19th-century views of history.  At the same time it wants to make us reflect on how such views change with time.
Time: 9:0011:00 June 26
Sharon Cavusgil (Georgia State University,USA)
 (1) Developing Critical Thinking through the Writing Process
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly, evaluate ideas, challenge beliefs, and solve problems. The development of critical thinking skills is a priority of higher education. Educators and employers alike desire independent thinkers and efficient problem solvers. However, how can we consciously guide students in their development of these important skills? Through guided activities, English writing teachers can help students engage in and develop essential critical thinking skills at each stage of the writing process. Not only can such instruction stimulate the development of key thinking skills, it can also assist students in becoming better writers. The presenter will share activities and teaching tools that have been applied in different higher education environments to cultivate critical thinking skills during the planning, drafting, revising, and editing stages of the writing process. Challenges and successes of some activities will be discussed. 
Time: 13:0014:30 June 19
Place: C512
(2) Writing-to-Learn: Activities that Support Content-Area Learning
Integrating writing into courses across the university can offer benefits to both students and faculty. The presenter will discuss the Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) pedagogical movement and describe multiple writing-to-learn activities that can be implemented in content and English courses to enhance teaching and student understanding. In addition, the presenter will explore the faculty support needed for successful WAC implementation.
Time: 13:0014:30 June 26
Place: C512

